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About Me

I am an undergraduate senior in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

I am particularly interested in research that focuses on the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to create meaningful social impact. While AI has achieved groundbreaking advancements across various fields, its reliance on high-performance computing resources has often limited its accessibility, particularly in resource-constrained environments. This challenge presents a compelling opportunity to explore how AI can be adapted for these settings such as developing healthcare diagnostic tools optimized for rural and underserved areas. I am commited to exloring innovative techniques to optimize AI models for deployment on embedded devices, including approaches like quantization and pruning.

Looking ahead, my primary career goal is to pursue a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering. This path will enable me to design and advance novel methodologies for AI compression and optimization, contributing to systems that address pressing societal challenges. Beyond research, I am passionate about education and aspire to join academia in Puerto Rico. By becoming a mentor and educator, I hope to inspire and guide future generations of Puerto Rican students, fostering their curiosity and helping them achieve academic success. Through this focus, I aim to create a lasting impact that bridges technological advancements with tangible benefits for society.

Research Interests

  • AI for Social Impact: disease diagnosis, agricultural monitoring, environmental conservation
  • Machine Learning: transfer learning, knowledge distillation
  • Biomedical Engineering: accesible healthtech, disease prevention


  • [Nov. 2024] Submitted two research papers to ISICN 2025!


Email: jacobdelgado1002@gmail.com